The Diary of Anne Frank

By The Village Players Inc (other events)

8 Dates Through Oct 24, 2015

The Diary of Anne Frank is a symbol of the life & times during the Holocaust & brings home the Holocaust & those who survived & those who attempted to survive. 


The play how ever addresses the life & times of the Holocaust but concentration how people pull together in diversity, help one another...even strangers.


My cast knows their character & their characters back round thru their research... above & beyond the writings in  the Diary, they can actually, I believe, give a living representation on our stage of their character as portrayed in the Diary...& use the history & reality of what actually brought them together.


It portrays life over a 2 1/2 year hiding... the strength of the family unit.. portrayed by the Franks, the

awkward adolescents of Anne & Peter who literally grow up in the Attic & Margot the older sister, silent in many ways forever watching yet strong.


There's awkward as well as humorous moments in spite of diversity.

Mr. Dussel I describe as a proto type of Archie Bunker...

Mr. & Mrs.Van Daam a "firey" compassionate couple who find it hard to live with each other or without.


Then there's  the buffer  Mr. Kraler & Meip that put their lives on the line...

Mr. Kraler & Meip who Anne refers to as their "protectors" & are the  messengers of Hope & Optimism that goes beyond reality.


 The Diary of Anne Frank is a symbol of the Holocaust that has lasted over 70 years.


The play brings to life the Holocaust, the lives of those who lived thru it & those that didn't.

 It takes a closer look at the danger & impossibility of mass labeling people, the reaction to fear & diversity, the humor that can be found in human nature, hope & above all optimism.


The famous quote by Anne Frank ..."I truly believe people are good inside."  is a good example of the message the play.